Between Two Banks

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Then the Quiet Came

Originally Posted January 30, 2017


The past few weeks, months, have been loud. There's been a constant flow of changes, information, confrontation, and anxiety. Granted, I'm partly to blame for this noise due to my perpetual listening to NPR; although, I very much enjoyed the piece on eating a taco everyday. 
It's been getting more difficult to "quiet the noises" with the influx of negative opinions and biases formed and executed through social media. The anxiety of life had start to become so crippling (probably self inflicted) that enjoying the little things began to get difficult. 
Yesterday started out that way. 
I just wanted to get away, find some quiet. The river was not particularly quiet. People were out and about fishing, hiking, riding their bikes, they seemed to be everywhere, and I'm so happy they were out enjoying our National Parks, but I just really wanted some peace. 
And then, it happened, the quiet came.
When it snows, the whole world gets still. There's a silence that covers everything like a giant, soft, gray blanket. 
Unfortunately, none of it stuck and it didn't last more than a few hours, but it gave me that peace that I so needed. 
It's funny how what you need you always receive when in nature, 
whether it be a "win" and adrenaline rush or just a few hours of peace.

"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread."
-Edward Abbey

By the way, yesterday was Edward Abbey's birthday.
If you you don't know him, you need to.